Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thoughts on Rome: A Traveler’s Perspective

Rome is a magnificent city. The greatest treasures of art are found here. A traveler who is attempting to appreciate or study these fantastic works of art may find Rome a little oppressive due to the constriction of these exhilarating works. For example, there is breathtaking art with tons of history behind it such as the Colloseum and the Forum; however, these exhibits can only be visited through purchase of tickets, which translates, to an allotted time of free reign within these sights. In addition, many tourists flock to these sights hindering the true beauty of them.

Some of these exhilarating pieces of history are even unjustly placed in unwanted places. Specifically, the Ara Pacis Augustae has been placed in an ugly glass building. The fact that it is being preserved and is still intact is amazing but how can its beauty and breath taking presence be felt if it is not how it originally was presented? This is a big issue within Rome. Many Romans are offened by this piece of ‘art’ and the fact that it cost a small fortune does nothing to help its cause. They are currently working to get rid of it all together due to the way it disrupts the city’s beauty. Also there are exhibits that take place in the glass structure itself that don’t belong there such as fashion exhibits be Valentino which demean the true intent of the structure

The examples of how Rome is oppressive are greatly overshadowed by its open museum construction. What do I mean by this? Inspiration can be found everywhere in Rome. During a simple stroll through Rome, one will notice the great architecture of the buildings or a beautiful random fountain. Fountains are everywhere! Not to mention its’ the only place a Pyramid and cemetery can be found next to each other and easily accessible.

Rome is a great place to visit as a tourist because it does have remarkable sights and historical buildings. However, what makes Rome special is that it has a vast surplus of culture and art that can only be found here. Italy is the best place in the world. Everything is designed cohesively. This is probably because it is so old and great minds are behind it.


  1. I liked what you said about the restrictions of some of the history like the Forum and Colloseum. I didn't think about how that could be oppressive to a travelor but I think it would definetly affect how they saw Rome.

  2. There are so many people and Rome, and you just feel like they're all tourists sometimes. I also feel that it takes away from the beauty, or enjoyment that people are supposed to gain. I wonder if other cites were as well perserved and beautiful as Rome that it wouldn't be such a tourist hot spot and in this way it could be better enjoyed as a whole.
    And Rome is really beautiful, despite some of its flaws(such as the trash/smell, tourist traps, etc) because all the buildings and art make it this way. I have honestly enjoyed the time I have spent in this city.

  3. Oppressive to the tourist, I hadn't thought about that. Remember though, the difference between a tourist and a traveler. I think that the traveler suffers a greater oppression than the tourist. A tourist tends to roll with the crowds, while the traveler has arrived for the history, the architecture (as you said), artwork, theology, etc. I personally found it fascinating that most of the people from the area only come around in the evenings, when tourists have gone to other areas.
