Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ancient Rome and Pompeii Scavi

We have spent most of the last seven weeks exploring Rome. The traveling has granted me great insight on ancient Rome. Most of the time it has been hard to picture what Rome was like due to the damage the surviving sites have endured. This past weekend we spent a day in Pompeii Scavi, which is notorious for the great preservation it has due to the effects from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79.

Pompeii was amazing. I felt like I was in the first century as I walked through the ruins; however, I admit it was not what I expected. I had this pre-formed visual that the site would have people frozen in whatever activity they were doing when the Vesuvius erupted. I couldn’t have been more wrong; the ruins were mostly buildings. They were extremely interesting but not what I expected. I was shocked to see all the ancient pottery and people gathered together in a shelter and blocked off; they had people lying on shelves!

I was also very surprised to learn Pompeii was essentially a town of pleasure as in sexual pleasure! This ancient city, which is so well known for its survival, was entirely set-up to make money and please people in sexual ways. The name actually originates from the word pimp. I was not surprised by the fact people openly had prostitution since it was simply the culture; I was astounded by the fact this town I desired so much to learn about was so different from what I expected.

Ancient Rome has been exactly what I expected. I suppose movies like Gladiator aided me in the visuals. Walking through the Coliseum cannot be topped by many experiences. The only problem I encountered is visualizing what its original makeup was like. Luckily, we have been fortunate to have guided tours and been shown pictures of what is believed to be the original views of ancient Rome.

Rome has the best collection of art thanks to legendary artists and sculptors such as Bernini and Michelangelo. The work is everywhere throughout the city and it makes Rome truly special. Visiting Pompeii Scavi is not a wasted trip due to the great preservation, but I prefer to see places where great events such as gladiator battles and war took place. These sites can be found in Rome; the homes of pimps and prostitutes can be found in Pompeii Scavi.